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Flying the flag for Sustainability!

- Posted on: 29/04/2024 - Energy & Sustainability Committee here at the Talbot Hotel Clonmel

Flying the flag for Sustainability!

We are absolutely delighted to welcome our Energy & Sustainability Committee here at the Talbot Hotel Clonmel 🌿

This team along with their departments promise to drive sustainability throughout the hotel not only for their colleagues but customers also!

By adopting eco-friendly practices, our philosophy is that our hotel & leisure business can maximize it's full potential, reduce the environmental impact, and pave the way for a sustainable future not only for our generation but for the generations to come 🌿

Our plan is to use less energy and water, reducing our greenhouse gas emissions and helping to mitigate the effects of climate change. 

Watch this space as we tell you more about our sustainable measures over the coming weeks.


#sustainable #sustainability #protectourenvironment #reduce #reused #recycle #talbothotelclonmel